
Diversity & Inclusion Mindset & Strategy Solutions for Innovators.


Services Overview



The founder of Kelda + Co., Katrina Fludd is available for speaking engagements to various audiences for personal and professional development. Here are current topics:

“The Power of Dialogue”

There's a huge difference between a debate, a discussion, and a dialogue. Knowing the difference can make or break the success of your efforts and initiatives towards creating inclusive cultures and communities. I speak about the tools and techniques of dialogue and how to create and manage spaces for not only belonging but also problem solving and learning- especially around race and differences in spaces of working and learning. I include identities as a factor to both leading and participating in dialogue and the challenges and opportunities leaders have when when we acknowledge and trust the wisdom in a space.

“The Authentic Journey”

The truth is that “being your authentic self” is an ideal that sounds wonderful in theory and even better for an organization’s vision for inclusion, but in reality for individuals across all spectrums of difference- it’s by no means an easy process. The audience will hear about this challenging but necessary journey, receive insights about how to navigate the intricate steps and take away ideas about how organizations can continue to evolve to make the journey lighter for the talent they wish to support and grow.

“Intrepreneurship for Inclusion & Innovation”

Entrepreneurship and innovation is everyone’s favorite buzzword right now. These ideas are invoked as the key to solve all problems and generate massive growth. Research has confirmed that diversity drives innovation. If this is true, why are we struggling with pipelines for diverse talent and retention and representation within senior management and in the C-Suite? I speak about the power of intrepreneurship and what I've learned from working within the field of diversity and inclusion for 10 years. I motivate diversity professionals, leaders and employee affinity groups to organize to not only create spaces of belonging for their group, but also

coaching + consulting

We can celebrate differences, but we can’t act like it’s always easy. You need a thought partner and trusted advisor to help you match words and sentiments with actions. You need someone to point our blind spots and assist with accountability.

Individual Coaching: Are you an innovator? Do you have ideas about creating inclusion and belonging for either yourself or others? Are you having a hard time creating an actionable strategy? Kelda + Co. may be the partner you need!

Group Coaching: This is great for a leadership team or a task force or committee charged with executing an initiative. We offer a reflective process with the following objectives:

  • Demonstrate openness to new perspectives and diverse others

  • Review community norms and practices for diversity, inclusion and equity awareness in one's personal, academic and/or professional life

  • Understand role of culture in both self and community care

  • Recognize and critically reflect upon one’s own cultural biases

  • Seek points of connection and interact substantively with those who are different from oneself

  • Harness the power of diversity (through perspective taking and communication) as a source for creativity, innovation and/or productive collaboration

Consulting: Perhaps you are only at the beginning of launching a diversity initiative or maybe you’ve done a few trainings and don’t know what to do next? Based on where you are in your journey, Kelda + Co. can take you to and through the next step to reach your goals.




At Kelda + Co., strategy is simply not a 3-5 year plan. It’s a way of being and doing that comes from engaging in and trusting a process that centers the humans you serve and employ. The customers, clients and students who use your product or service embark on a journey with you to achieve their goals. Your diversity strategy should be formatted to ensure those journeys are in alignment with not only values you preach, but the vision and purpose that you are constantly reflecting upon and editing to maximize both social and economic value.

This is an A to Z process rooted in human centered processes and coupled with learning and development that follows similar steps to that of a design thinking sprint. We co- create solutions not from random brainstorming, but from the true desires and needs of the team.

Depending on your needs, this process can occur in partnership with your diversity personnel or committee and a cross functional team, your leadership team, an employee resource group or a mix of stakeholders to be determined based on your needs.